Birthday cards! pick one fr your loved one
we're back with our so called new stufffy; BIRTHDAY CARDS!

colourful stripes with buttons, and sayings:
This birthday card is sent today
And I hope it's plain to see
You're a very special person
Who means so much to me
We've been friends for many years
I'm sure you'll agree
We couldn't have known when we met
Just what friends we'd be
But it happened and I'm grateful
And this card is sent to say
To me you're very special
So enjoy your special day
Happy birthday!
price: RM4.50 (envelope included)
with cherrys as the background, and sayings:
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you were smiling. Live life so that when you die, you are the one smiling and everyone around you is crying. Have a lovely birthday.
price: RM5 (envelope excluded)

this card may represent your gift, the sayings:
On your birthday,
I wish for you the fulfillment
of all your fondest dreams.
I hope that for every candle
on your cake
you get a wonderful surprise.
I wish for you that
whatever you want most in life,
it comes to you,
just the way you imagined it,
or better.
I hope you get as much pleasure
from our friendship as I do.
I wish we were sisters,
so I could have known you
from the beginning.
I look forward to
enjoying our friendship
for many more of your birthdays.
I'm so glad you were born,
because you brighten my life
and fill it with joy.
Happy Birthday!
price: RM6 (envelope included)